Sunday, March 22, 2020

5 Things We Learned About Kurt Cobain from Montage of Heck

5 Things We Learned About Kurt Cobain from Montage of Heck Sign up successful 2. Kurt was a totally adorable kid. Honestly, we werent surprised he was a cute kid, but watch that clip until he waves and just try not to wave back. 3. Nirvana was almost called Nasty Rash. Actually, there were many names Nirvana could have had, some of them funny, some political, but none as fitting as the one they chose. Somehow, its hard to imagine Nasty Rash dominating the airwaves in the same way. 4. He loved being a father. Footage of Cobain with his daughter Frances Bean reveals his profound love for her. He says many times that playing rock and roll was all he ever wanted, but later in the film there is a clip where he says he would give it up for her. He even jokes about letting her throw up in his mouth. If thats not love, we dont know what is. 5. He had a lighter side. Many portrayals of Cobain focus heavily on his drug addiction, depression, and troubled relationship with Courtney Love. While Montage of Heck certainly doesnt shy away from these issues, we get a glimpse of a lighter side to Kurt. His music was certainly dark, but he was not all doom and gloom. Its refreshing and rare to see him crack a joke, and seeing this new side to him gave us a new perspective on on the irony and humor you hear from time to time in his songs. All in all, it was an engrossing documentary, and we came away with new ideas. Have you seen it? Do you want to? Or is there another music documentary youd like to recommend? Tell us all about it in the comments below! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

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